The City of Cornwall has been advised that work will begin on Monday, May 1st on the final phase of construction on Brookdale Avenue – south of the traffic circle.
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited has retained Louis Bray Construction to carry out this work, which involves placing the final lift of asphalt, paving the recreational path (on the west side of Brookdale Avenue) and landscaping.
Traffic signals at the Brookdale intersections of Second Street and Water Street will operate on a 4-way flash red configuration. Motorists are reminded to exercise caution when proceeding through these areas with construction vehicles and crews working in proximity.
Signage and flag persons will direct local traffic as required.
The intersection of Second Street (at Brookdale) will remain open throughout the construction period but lane reductions will occur.
The traffic signals at Cumberland and Water Streets will be reactivated during this work period to facilitate traffic accessing the detour to Cumberland Ave.
The construction activity is expected to be complete by mid-summer. The City will provide project updates as they are available.
The City of Cornwall would like to thank all residents in motorists in advance for their patience and cooperation while this work is carried out on this prominent City arterial road.