FBCL has established a vision, mission, and pillars to help define the framework for the corporation’s strategic direction.


FBCL is a Crown corporation responsible for the oversight of Canadian federal interests in selected international bridge crossings between Canada and the United States.


Striving to optimize the safety, security, sustainability, and capacity of bridge operations to the benefit of Canada while serving the traveling public with efficiency and respect.


FBCL will deliver its mission through 5 key pillars:

  • An organization operating with a portfolio management approach and focused on providing excellent customer service;
  • Stewardship of the bridge assets under its responsibility, focused on safety and security through a program of independent inspections, and appropriate capital and maintenance programs;
  • Effective use of technology, utilizing common platforms to ensure efficiency of operations and accuracy of information, managed in a manner that limits associated risk and cost;
  • Sustainability of operations, maintenance and administration through a shared revenue approach, prioritized investment, toll optimization and cost containment; and,
  • Sound governance of the corporation, through an optimized structure, the required capacity and skills, and strong relationships with stakeholders.